Waves of the Future 2025 Sponsor Flyer


The Chicora Rotary Club of Myrtle Beach will present its 13th annual “Waves of the Future – Rotary’s Celebration of Horry County Schools” event at the Carolina Opry Theater on April 13, 2025.  The Waves of the Future event will showcase theatrical talents of children, grades K – 12.  Our annual shows have packed the house and featured around 600 students from 16 different schools.  Our “fun-raiser” will again provide funds for the Fine Arts programs in Horry County schools and for the many local and international projects which Rotary supports, including Polio eradication, the Dictionary Program, and Project Happy Feet.

Your company will find real value in participating in the 12th annual "Waves of the Future” event!

 Platinum Sponsorship $5,000

  • Name on first page of digital program as Platinum Sponsor
  • Full page advertisement near front of digital program or on back page
  • 2-minute video on front projection screens during intermission at WAVES event.
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement on stage by announcers during show
  • Company logo shown on video screens twice during show
  • Logo and link placed on event website and Facebook page
  • Sponsor recognition email sent out to all participating schools and volunteers
  • Sponsor recognition on pre-event and post-event press releases
  • First refusal for program next year

Gold Sponsorship $2,000

  • Name on first page of digital program as Gold Sponsor
  • Full page advertisement near front of digital program
  • Sponsorship acknowledgement on stage by announcers during WAVES event
  • Company logo shown on video screens twice during show
  • Logo and link placed on event website and Facebook page
  • First refusal for program next year

 Silver Sponsorship $1,000

  • Name on first page of digital program as Silver Sponsor
  • Full page advertisement

 Bronze Sponsor $500

  • ½ page advertisement in digital program

 Friend of Chicora $250

  • Listing in digital program

Donation $100


Deadline for online submission of sponsor application: February 1, 2025.  Payment in full due by: March 1, 2025.

Please mail payments to:

Chicora Rotary Club

PO Box 70101

Myrtle Beach, SC 29572

For additional information on Waves of the Future including videos, electronic submission of sponsor application, and updates go to: https://chicorarotary.org/projects/wavesofthefuture/

The ad sizes are as follows:

Platinum $5,000 (Full page): 7.5″w x 10″h

Gold $2,000 (Full page): 7.5″w x 10″h

Silver $1,000 (Full page): 7.5″w x 10″h

Bronze $500 (1/2 page): 7.5″w x 4.75″h

Friend of Chicora $250 (listing)

Register as a Sponsor

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